1、long short day plant

2、Flower reversion occurred after treated in short day for some time, and then transferred into long-day condition.

3、The long trail maited while the short day refused to last longer.

4、Camper: Can you recommend a short day hike in this area?

5、The short day was spent, and the long night had closed in.

6、It is necessary for today's children to receive a short day of farming education, even in rural areas.

7、 Life is not long, do not leave to do not care about their own people, a very short day, do not give up their own good people.


9、There are existing many objective and sub je ctive causes of fire conflagration:objective causes are:In winter, dry weather and strong wind,short day and long night,loaded electric power;

10、The sun, the rain, the snow, the moon and the moon are all condensed into a short day and night, with their eyes open, and a hasty interpretation of a thousand years of repetition of fairy tales, and there is no trace of flying over the sky.

11、When I did not know when, the city, south of the city, began to enter the summer solstice of the short day, so that when he woke up in the morning, he thought that the five or six points of light outside the window were seven or eight points yesterday.