1、His toy car was banged up accidently.

2、Except 1 rabbit was died accidently.

3、John kicked up a big stink over being accidently shortchanged.

4、I accidently let the cat out of the Bag.

5、Some dangerous chemicals were released into the river accidently.

6、She accidently heard someone knocking at the door.

7、If you accidently step on someone's foot, you should say sorry.

8、Would you want to be misunderstood and possibly face trouble in the United States accidently?

9、People's success aren't accidently at all, it comes from the thorough self-management and the perseverance.

10、Improvements have been made to the roster confirmation screen, so that players aren't accidently released.

11、I didn't realize this, and at first, I accidently called my Chinese mom by the wrong last name!

12、As for me, the best pleasure is to do good things with silence and to be found accidently.

13、To his great surprise, the young man told him that he was pushed by the people behind him accidently.

14、If the cashier accidently gives you too much money in change be sure your children see you return it.

15、I accidently woke her for a moment, and as she opened her eyes up and looked at me, she grinned, then grabbed my left hand and kissed it.

16、Then if someone were to accidently check-in a configuration file, the deployment would fail and the error can be corrected.

17、The Door tells the story of a normal auto mechanic Cheng Tianle (Jiang Wu) who one day accidently receives a magic key from an old man.

18、Keep those Files in the Manila folder - Manila folders are a great tool for filing papers until you accidently drop a one.

19、His coffin was buried by an old servant under the dumped riprap of Luci, a western suburb of Hangzhou, and not until a century later did it be accidently discovered.

20、The driver said that he was told to pay in cash and not to identify himself in paperwork; he had accidently put his name on the sales-tax form.

21、She says that she also suffered from "imposter syndrome, " feeling as if she hadn't earned a right to her ideas; she had somehow ended up where she was accidently, not through hard work.