1、We still see a version of CP violation.

2、He gives us a version of this objection.

3、Hedonism is a version of the neutral container theory.

4、You are using a beta version of the interoperability feature.

5、Chicago is a version of a Broadway musical play of the same name.

6、Those with a version of the gene linked to having an ‘open’ personality, gravitated to people with a different version of the gene, the Harvard University study found.

7、Assume you have loaded a WSDL file named StockQuery.wsdl with a version of 1.0.

8、The other, taken from a chinook salmon, is a version of the growth-hormone gene itself.

9、And that's because that is a version of a divide and conquer algorithm.

10、This is a version of one of the best known fractals, the Julia set.

11、About 46% of women have a version of the gene that contributes to high enzyme activity.

12、Generation of dynamic snapshot is only supported by Publisher with a version of 8.0 or greater.

13、To enforce full compliance with a version of the standard, use the -pedantic option.

14、In the fourth Way, Aquinas offers a version of the Ontological Argument (see Anselm).

15、a version of football in which the ball carrier is touched rather than tackled.

16、Yahoo has unveiled a version of its web guide listing only Chinese-language web sites

17、This is a version of faking it until you make it that has only positive results.

18、We intend to permanently attach a version of this article to Jubak's Picks, and any improvements you might suggest will be added to that permanent version.

19、Suppose most of them are sensitive to insecticide, but a few harbor a version of a gene that confers resistance.

20、The idea of offering your product or a version of it for free has been a source of much debate.

21、We were taking the proof of concept a step further, to a usable beta version of the product.

22、The Texas legislature almost passed such a change last year; a version of it is likely to pass this year.

23、And Web giant Alibaba recently tested a beta version of a search site it is working on with Microsoft's Bing.

24、What is Friendship?Language teacher it is a version of the newspaper, always have a new message;

25、Current disposal methods involve a version of the MAARS robot that insurgents will bomb to take out of action.

26、The first step of this "cumulative growth" was the "Impavido" class destroyers, still a version of the Impetuoso class destroyers.

27、Further, our source says Sega may be working on a version of Yakuza 5 for the PS Vita.

28、It is theoretically possible for humans to contract a version of the disease by eating tainted meat.

29、This warning is telling you that a version of each test asset file is currently checked out.

30、Again, this was a version of the carry trade: they used their cheap financing to buy higher-yielding assets.