1、Owls flying by daylight?

2、I went out now by daylight.

3、It is easier to read by daylight than by lamplight.

4、The view is best seen by daylight/moonlight.

5、It's no use trying to escape by daylight.

6、The mist is refracted by daylight to produce rainbows.

7、The next morning I went out to explore the campus by daylight.

8、It is unnecessary to use the traditional chain method and to observe stars in fixed groups by daylight.

9、The four dogs, all named "Ruppy" — a combination of the words "ruby" and "puppy" — look like typical beagles by daylight.

10、The program is organized by the towers central branching atrium, enhanced by daylight channeled from above via an integrated light-transmitting fiber-optic array.

11、Munsell colour system: A system for colour specification of surfaces illuminated by daylight and viewed by observer with normal vision. Colours are gradated with uniform perceptual spacing, and the scales are designated hue, value and chroma respectively