1、They may become very annoyed with persistent vendors.

2、I am beginning to be annoyed with the traffic here.

3、Tell me, Sophia, are you annoyed with me?"

4、He got very annoyed with me about my carelessness.

5、One problem was that Tom became annoyed with having to share the text with other children.

6、He was annoyed with his child for wanting to go to the park in the rain.

7、Foreigner: That man at the bar got really annoyed with me just now.

8、It circled around the White House that Eleanor was most annoyed with Franklin.

9、He be annoyed with his wife because the dinner be badly cooked .

10、He was annoyed with me for having said the wrong thing.

11、We are annoyed with the quality of your samples, so the business depends absolutely on your price.

12、Even though it was the preseason, I get annoyed with how much we turn the ball over.

13、I asked him had he ever seen the faeries, and got the reply, "Am I not annoyed with them?"

14、He remained annoyed with himself until he realized that not knowing what he really wanted was actually quite natural.

15、He calls me Sweetie all the time, even when he's annoyed with me, so it doesn't necessarily mean he's thrilled with me at any given moment.

16、She was simply furious with them – so I wonder if she was also annoyed with Paul for trying to form relationships.

17、She used to be annoyed with me because I would challenge everything she said and not believe anything unless someone could show me the facts.

18、I was annoyed with myself for mentioning Agnes's name, and hated hearing him say it, but I said nothing and drank my coffee.

19、"Who put you up to all this?" the old man remarked of the little boys when he got annoyed with their practical jokes.

20、She was annoyed with me for going down to the landing by myself, but she didn't make a big deal about it, it being my birthday and all.

21、If you think of it as helping the person you love, you don't become annoyed with doing the laundry or cooking, or any task, because you're doing it out of love.'"

22、The king could dominate whole country but not control his emotion. He was always annoyed without rhyme or reason. He had not any sweet sleep or appetite so that his life fell in an awful state.