1、floating point arithmetic

2、rounded floating point package

3、extended floating point operation

4、extended precision floating point arithmetic

5、Performs208 billion floating point calculations per second.

6、extended range floating point information system

7、EBNF-style description of floating point number.

8、It lacked floating point and parallel processing ability.

9、Spu_mul handles floating point multiplication (single and double precision).

10、FEU Floating point Execution Unit. This performs floating point related calculations for both existing scalar instructions along with support for some of the new SIMD-FP instructions.

11、The floating point numbers operation modularization deals with data through floating point numbers program of format, multiplication and division, which improves operation precision of the data;

12、An attempt was made to execute a floating point instruction when the floating point available bit in the MSR (machine status register) was disabled.

13、The standard mathematical operators, +, -, /, * are supported on both integer and floating point values, and you can mix and match floating-point and integers in calculations.

14、Real Programmers scorn floating point arithmetic. The decimal point was invented for pansy bedwetters who are unable to think big.

15、The non-ordered nature of NaN adds further opportunities for error when comparing floating point numbers.

16、IEEE 754 represents floating point Numbers as base 2 decimal Numbers in scientific notation.

17、The floating point arithmetic is very important for high performance arithmetic.

18、The realization of the fast adder-subtracter for the 23 bit’s floating point numbers by VHDL

19、And I can fix this just by changing one of those values to a floating point.

20、Floating point and decimal Numbers are not nearly as well-behaved as integers, and you cannot assume that floating point calculations that "should" have integer or exact results actually do.

21、Remember, integer arithmetic is much faster than floating-point arithmetic, as it can usually be done directly by the processor, rather than relying on external FPUs or floating point math libraries.

22、Long double IEEE double extended floating point exponent of 15 bits and signed fraction of 64 bits.

23、The options -mfused-madd, -mno-fused-madd, -mhard-float, and -msoft-float control the usage of floating point operations.

24、However, note that the payload looks very strange for a payload that simply returns a floating point number.

25、But on a register-based system, the hexadecimal value is read from an integer register, not the floating point register.

26、While nearly every processor and programming language supports floating point arithmetic, most programmers pay little attention to it.

27、Oh, and the fact that you can't use the floating point processor directly to calculate transcendental functions (it's done in software instead).

28、It is best to reserve the use of floating point arithmetic for calculations that involve fundamentally inexact values, such as measurements.

29、A simple scientific calculator, which supports floating point numbers, supports all the standard functions. The interface is simple and easy to use.