1、Let's head for the river.

2、I've no head for business.

3、have a head for figures

4、"And I'll rub your head for you."

5、mechanical sprinkler head for anti-fire installations

6、Fix the cementing head for circulation.

7、He has a good head for business.

8、Hearing the words, he hung down his head for shame.

9、I have no head for figures...whereas my sister is blessed with a superb head for figures.

10、I have no head for figures, but my sister is blessed with a superb head for figures.

11、We'll grab a bite to eat before I head for the airport.

12、"And now something for your sister," I announce grandly, and we head for the girls' section of the toy department.

13、Convenient range adjustment is set in manually operation. The whole machine adopts channel bottom head for convenient carrying and maintenance.