1、an array of players

2、The data array sometimes is just an array of data.

3、This returns an array of rows.

4、an array of umbrellas [fishing rods]

5、The function returns an array of matches.

6、an array of facts, information, statistics, etc

7、You use an array of deals plus an array of sections.

8、Converts an array of bytes into a URL-encoded array of bytes.

9、sortBy is an array of sort objects that determines how the returned array is sorted.

10、By extension, an array of any number of dimensions.

11、Concatenates the invocation lists of an array of delegates.

12、So you've actually got an array of collections here.

13、Returns an array of structs corresponding to recent blog posts.

14、Such failures can be caused by an array of problems.

15、is a contiguous range of cells containing possible lookup values, an array of values, or a reference to an array

16、Safe array of rank %1 has been passed to a method expecting an array of rank %2.

17、An easily wipeable surface and an array of colours are available in this leather.

18、An independent question is a general inquiry into your opinion on an array of various issues.

19、Your problem is because you are defining an array of chars, not an array of arrays of chars (i. e. strings).

20、(Obsolete)The lines of text in a multi-line edit, as an array of String values.

21、This returns an array of arrays with a list of the 40 most recently updated blogs.

22、Within each element of the array is a hash table that includes the name of the event and an array of the games played.

23、How to use permutation on an array of arbitrary size in TTCN-3?

24、There is an array of apparels seen in the market, made from recycled fabrics.

25、When I know the required number of bytes, I instantiate an array of bytes of an appropriate size.

26、Gin distilled in Minnesota using yellow corn and an array of botanicals.

27、The result is an array of arrays, which is flattened to a single dimensional array of server IP addresses and passed back to the caller.

28、Returns an array of font family names available on the system.

29、It also contains an array of data for employees working in the organizational unit and a separate array of data for the immediate sub-organization units.

30、The human gene, an important strategic resource, is an array of specific sequence of nucleotide acid in the human body.