1、Move along, please! Said the bus conductor.

2、The bus conductor takes up the tickets strictly.

3、The bus conductor collected money from the passengers.

4、The bus conductor asked me to show him my ticket. I couldn't find it so he made me pay again.

5、The answer, says Mr Lieven in rather cross italics, is “another bus conductor…It is precisely the lowly origins of the Taliban…which endear them to the masses.

6、The old man didn't budge. He was almost in tears as he begged the bus conductor to let him take that bus so he could get home before dark.

7、Nowadays, on many buses passengers do not have to buy tickets from a bus conductor. They put their money in a fare box or use a public transportation card instead.

8、MANY Chinese people still remember the days when luxury meant a short queue for the toilet at the end of the street, or a bus conductor who wasn't excessively rude.