1、Ways of developing students linguistic competence and communicative competence;

2、Meanwhile, the progress of students' communicative competence improves TEFL.

3、A Brief Discussion about the Dynamic Features of the Connotations of the linguistic competence, the communicative competence and the pragmatic competence;

4、To cultivate the communicative competence is the ultimate aim of foreign language teaching.

5、For a person, politeness is the external manifestation of one's ideological and moral level, cultural accomplishment and communicative competence.

6、In addition, the study of task-based teaching and the cultivation of intercultural communicative competence of middle school students is still an area not covered.

7、Classroom teaching can be organized by "information difference." Students' communicative competence can be improved by means of understanding cultural differences and reducing pragmatic mistakes.

8、Approaches to cultivating career women's competence of interpersonal communication involve instructive ways such as to get familiar with the connotation and the basic principles of interpersonal communication, to appeal or repel others socially, and to cultivate communicative competence.

9、The objectives of the course is to introduce students to a range of Internal and external business-related activities that require a sophisticated level of communicative competence in English and enable students to understand cultural aspects and enhanceappropriateness in business communication.