1、Charles Dickens was a raconteur par excellence.

2、Shakespeare is par excellence the playwright.

3、He is the elder statesman par excellence.

4、She turned out to be an organizer par excellence.

5、SPIEGEL: the family is the private sphere par excellence.

6、He has been a meticulous manager, a manager par excellence.

7、In this regard the absurd joy par excellence is creation.

8、Chemistry was par excellence the laboratory science of the early nineteenth century.

9、Part of the answer lies in America's status as the celebrity culture par excellence.

10、Madame Chiang Kai-shek was a diplomat par excellence. But she was not familiar with Japanese history.

11、Adjectives and adverbs are the "shading words" par excellence, the little words that fine-tune our thoughts.

12、A torturer par excellence, Colonel Qaddafi has brought many a good soul to submission by breaking their fingers.

13、Life is teleology par excellence; it is the intrinsic striving towards a goal, and the living organism is a system of directed aims which seek to fulfill themselves.

14、Yet perhaps the classic blunder of all was made by Brazil in the semi - finals of the 1938 World Cup in Marseilles, and that was hubris par excellence.

15、Rugged finish membrane: with its fur-like surface, high class and gracious overall effect, and par excellence sound absorption capability, it can help to achieve a warm in-door effect.

16、This is one reason that the medical historian Roy Porter wrote that cancer is “the modern disease par excellence,” and that Mukherjee calls it “the quintessential product of modernity.

17、A tourist trap par excellence, this drugstore in South Dakota is famous for its roadside billboards that start advertising 'free ice water' several states away but it's a surprisingly worthy stop.