1、That art embodies sentience.

2、Why the recent interest in fetal sentience?

3、When does fetal sentience become anatomically possible?

4、Some people believe in the sentience of flowers.

5、This being said, Flower (4) argues that fetal sentience is not possible until mid-gestation.

6、A cunning animal, to be sure, but in possession of no true self-awareness or sentience.

7、This plant is quite unique in that it has a sentience of its own yet can be moderately domesticated.

8、Latent sentience fusion and movement fusion can be detected with an amblyoscope before surgery and it can forecast binocular visual function.

9、But he had been so much hurt that something inside him had perished, some of his feelings had gone. There was a blank of in sentience.

10、The recent expansion of in-utero surgical correction of congenital anomalies and the use of fetal tissues for transplantation have spurred the debate on fetal sentience.

11、Several inferences have been made regarding fetal sentience based on ex-utero fetal experimentation 4-5 decades ago; however, these studies did not test explicitly for response to "painful" stimuli (1).

12、I expect that with your concern for plant sentience you are no longer cutting your grass, buying flowers or eating any fruits or vegetables yourself. How is that going for you?