1、Suqian's reward system has triggered debate.

2、But the reward system is only means of Mathias.

3、Why is medal reward system existed in Sina Weibo?

4、Many aspects of a company's reward system are quite unclear.

5、On the design of encouragement reward system in Chinese enterprises;

6、The core of comprador system consisted of guarantee system, responsibility and reward system, aegis system and so on.

7、Indeed this part, the VTA, is part of the brain's reward system.

8、If you think this medal reward system is just a game, you are underestimating Weibo.

9、But that kind of reward system can really derail your weight loss efforts.

10、The anomie actions often happen in the field of our country's academic reward nowadays, one important reason is that objections exist in the academic reward system.

11、I set up a reward system near the beginning of the semester where students could earn monopoly money (fake money).

12、These changes show that the brain's reward system can detect internal physiological changes even independent of taste-maybe through the digestive system.

13、Upon deepened thought of the problems, put forward the idea of deepening reform of distribution system: tamping foundation, straightening relations, scientific designing salary and reward system.

14、This should be encouraged with a reward system, rather than a punishment system. IFPs are often crushed by punishment and criticism.

15、"We wanted to create a reward system which gave them rewards in the present," said Volpp, whose study appears in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

16、The reward system in Suqian offers an effective mechanism to ensure security volunteers themselves can also benefit from their good deeds.

17、When a woman sees her baby smile, the dopaminergic reward system of her brain activates, stimulating happy feelings, a recent US study shows.

18、After you identify the behaviors that you want to reinforce, develop the specifics of your reward system, and create rules that are clear and easily understood by all employees.

19、Finally, based on the research conclusion, the author takes GL Electric-Apparatus Institute as the example to do the positive research to the reward system design for research fellows.

20、To encourage the families following the family planning policy in the rural and consolidate the low fertility level in Guangdong, the province government worked out an encouragement and reward system.

21、Whether it be a night on the town, a new dress, or even a new car, setting up a reward system just may be the extra push you need to succeed.

22、We commence with a discussion on performance measurement before turning to reward systems.