1、Summon gargoyle: the gargoyle now flies lower to the ground, making it susceptible to melee attacks.

2、The Sphynx cat, hairless and wrinkled, is a gargoyle of human creation through an inbreeding process.

3、One of the men asked, as hunched and withered as a gargoyle.

4、Flanking this are statues of their beast forms: the griffin and the gargoyle.

5、His disfigured face was like some avenging nemesis of gargoyle design.

6、His frustration was interrupted when the gargoyle from the roof came crashing through the ceiling.

7、I got snagged, found myself stuck on a facility gutter, and squatted there like an airy gargoyle.

8、It started off as a regular dream, and then at some point I realized I was carrying a gargoyle, which seemed odd to me.

9、Begun in the late 14th century, it is Slovakia's largest church, and its gargoyle-studded exterior leaves one wondering if Quasimodo is hunched over its Gothic entranceway.

10、Josephine was the first to successfully animate a stone golem, creating a process that was much more sophisticated than that used for the gargoyle, on which her research was based.

11、Both of Night Elf descent, Terrorblade was drawn in by the powers of the Undead, plunging into the deeper abyss of no return, growing large, gargoyle-like wings to symbolize his breaking from the Night Elf world.