1、TEL DESIGN NOSIMMDLY OTHRWS SHIPT BE DELAYED-telegraph design numbers immediately, otherwise shipment( will be) delayed

2、PLS AMND L/C BY TEL OTHRWS CANT SHIP-please amend L/C by telegram, otherwise cannot ship

3、Pretty much all export versions of the S-300/400 series can be mounted on either the classic Maz truck TEL, or a towed trailer.

4、This syntax is not identical to the corresponding XML snippet in the task model TEL file; at least the namespaces differ.




8、TEL is considered a more effortful cognitive encoding process where the brain has to "scaffold" its way to making richer associations and linkages in order to reach the correct target information.

9、TEL AVIV, Israel - a Palestinian who broke into the Turkish Embassy in Israel trying to take hostages and demanding asylum was turned over to Israeli authorities late Tuesday, ending a tense standoff.


11、该系统用MI-TEL公司的DTMF收发器MT8880芯片作为电话双音多频信号的解码核心,用AT89C5 1单片机作主控器,电路简单灵活。
