1、Manually invoking relationships.

2、Silent mode support for invoking multiple operations.

3、Initiate data collection by invoking transactions.

4、Most speak angrily about the regime, invoking memories of 1982.

5、Then Brown killed off Kaupthing by invoking anti-terror laws.

6、Capture baseline data by invoking the GET__BASELINE procedure.

7、This includes invoking services provided by airline, car rental, and hotel companies, storing information in appropriate data containers, handling exceptions, and invoking compensations if necessary.

8、It accomplishes this by invoking a new request without disrupting the current view.

9、You now have two integration test clients open: one for attaching and one for invoking.

10、The checkIn method allows clients to check the attachment by invoking the Claim check service.

11、A sample for invoking a web service dynamically is provided by WSIF as distribution.

12、The native code that runs in the same process space as the invoking JVM under JNI.

13、In this case by invoking a son's privilege, calling his book "a kind of conjuration" and acknowledging his iffy tactics.

14、In the previous release, the resource was created in whatever folder you highlighted when invoking the wizard.

15、From the consumer's perspective, there are a whole lot of channels for invoking a whole lot of services.

16、Upon invoking KDB on a dump image, you first retrieve the basic dump status using the stat subcommand.

17、If you do not close the XMLStreamWriter object prior to invoking the updater methods, SQLException gets thrown.

18、McCain is also invoking the patriots' spirit as he calls on the Obama administration to speak out more forcefully in support of the anti-government protesters in Iran.

19、Method chaining, also known as named parameter idiom, is a common syntax for invoking multiple method calls in object-oriented programming languages.

20、A man who four years ago epitomised hope will arrive in Charlotte with a campaign that thus far has been about invoking fear.

21、The reason, to put it simply, is that "GETs" are designed for the case where invoking the URL does not substantively change the state of the Web resource.

22、In this case the controller sends out a FAILURE signal to the coordinator, thus invoking the compensatory activities in reverse order.

23、So it is simultaneously in his very first sentence a Marxist and a Darwinian vocabulary that Eikhenbaum is invoking, and that's what partly accounts for the strenuousness of his rhetoric.

24、Restricted invocation means that the grant set of the assembly that contains the non-public member that is being invoked must be equal to, or a subset of, the grant set of the invoking assembly.


26、In block 1, the servlet checks for a session object by invoking a method on the request object, res, which was passed to the servlet method as a parameter.

27、The business decision is to truncate the length of the field to 255 characters, if it exceeds, as required by the backend system; however a warning must be issued to the invoking component.

28、If a function is available from the menu, and it is one that will be used more than just rarely, make sure to provide idioms for invoking the function that don’t require a click-and-drag operation, such as a toolbar button.