1、The roasting pan scours Better than pot

2、She scours Taobao daily for deals, promotions, and special products.

3、Indicated for streptococcus disease, toxoplasmosis, coccidiosis, yellow scours and white scours of young animal, edema, mastitis of female animals, metritis, and puerperal fever etc.

4、For days Jean-Luc scours the caves. He finds water but nothing to eat.

5、Scrubs, scrapes and scours work tables, meat blocks and refrigerators; washes and driesutensils.

6、In some, a destructive fishing practice called bottom trawling, which scours life from the ocean floor, is permitted.

7、He not only refuses to leave, he scours the house for tasty morsels, spreading chaos as he goes.

8、Seeking answers to these questions, she riffles through Addison’s fan mail, scours her fan blogs and bones up on Holy City on Wikipedia.

9、The wind scours the sand from around the scruffy vegetation, dragging it into crescent shaped parabolic dunes that point in the direction of the prevailing westerly wind.