1、Mother looked at me quizzically.

2、She looked at him quizzically.

3、they looked quizzically at the doctor.

4、The young gulls looked at him quizzically.

5、Citizen looks quizzically at Spa, afraid of being trapped.

6、Victor Henry saw Roosevelt looking quizzically at him.

7、The young gulls looked at him quizzically. Hey, man, they thought, this doesn't sound like a rule for a loop.

8、"You don't know?" I repeated, quizzically. Just then, the thought came to me that this boy may not know any more than I did.

9、With the unfailing courtesy and genuine helpfulness of the British policeman, an officer listened to my story of looking for a friend. He eyed me a bit quizzically.

10、While some customers end up mispronouncing the name or asking quizzically about what kind of animal it is, it's an opportunity that Andy Dunn, chief executive and co-founder, relishes.