1、and so do many of the famous and wealthy people

2、The insurance salesman tried to make contact with wealthy people.

3、There are byproducts from globalization , which will lead the wealthy people more wealthy while poor people poorer.

4、The aristocrats, bureaucrats, wealthy businessmen and all kinds of wealthy people living in the capital generally surpass other cities.

5、Plummeting stock, property and commodity markets have cleaned out many wealthy people.

6、Long ago, only wealthy people could afford them, because they were so expensive to print.

7、He made contacts with wealthy people in raising money for the project.

8、Only wealthy people can keep these dog and they gamble on the dog fights.

9、A region lying beyond the suburbs of a city, especially one inhabited principally by wealthy people.

10、Most wealthy people are descended from wealthy parents, which means they have a lot of patrimony to lose by cutting back on the fawning.

11、But I really hope my colleague agrees with the basic premise that wealthy people are more powerful than poor people, and that most wealthy people tend to use their power to try to get more wealth.

12、The disaster was so serious that the wealthy people still refused to relieve their money. It was so insensitive.

13、In the sixteenth century, fruit and vegetables were to be found only in gardens belonging to wealthy people.

14、Exurb: a region lying beyond the suburbs of a city especially one inhabited principal ly by wealthy people.

15、Because money is no object to wealthy people, they will pay high prices for whatever they want.

16、During the boom the number of wealthy people in Russia, India, China and the Middle East rose rapidly.

17、The old slave calculated that these expenses were enough to make the wealthy people in Chang'an city suffer a lot, and three years were enough to make a wealthy family become poor.

18、Her clients are usually wealthy people who dislike organizing their own wardrobes, or simply do not have the time to do it.

19、There was a restaurant at the corner. She had noted the white table cloths, shining glasses and waiters serving wealthy people.

20、Even so, the survey found wealthy people who abide by the law, have a sense of social responsibility and a caring heart, are respected.

21、Even by the 1960s, though, air travelers were mostly wealthy people or businessmen on expense accounts; most Americans still could not afford to fly.

22、The first class accommodates wealthy people, the second class is mostly middle class employees and businessmen, and the third class is mainly poor Irish immigrants.

23、The first generation of wealthy people in China developed in the early 1980s. They represent farmers and entrepreneurs. With opportunities and courage, others dare not leave the collective to do business alone. They dare to do business, so they succeed.

24、 It seems that there are a lot of wealthy people, each house is quite magnificent, the mountain hinterland is far away from the gate of the temple is the Protector Temple.

25、His political tendency consequently turned to oppose Qing dynasty, overthrow the feudalist rule of Qing dynasty, execute capitalist democratic politics, establish bourgeois democratic republic in order to realize his political ideal of powerful country and wealthy people.

26、Conservatives in the Republican Party and some wealthy people urged him to run for governor of California. Reagan decided to give up his old career, which he had spent most of his life in, and turn to politics.