1、"Nuo"dancers usually wear masks.

2、If the masks come off,

3、They make masks and lanterns.

4、The masks generally wear a deadpan expression.

5、Check the subnet masks for consistency.

6、But that broad trend masks considerable differences.

7、Do you rent masks and flippers?

8、If the folder masks in the filter contain only exclusion masks, folders that do not match any of the folder masks are included.

9、Transit workers and supermarket employees began wearing masks.

10、Wearing masks and respirators prevent the ingestion of radioactive particles.

11、The sketch Nello pointed to represented three masks.

12、They are much more effective than the standard surgical masks or dust masks that are sometimes used by builders.

13、However, due to the huge demand for smog masks, it switched to the research, production and sales of face masks.

14、Mr. Kress stepped up his work on the masks.

15、Parents make mooncakes, moon masks, and lanterns with their children.

16、Such masks were usually pasted on bronze masks to add solemnity and mystery during a sacrifice ceremony.

17、If the folder masks in the filter contain an inclusion mask, folders that do not match any of the folder masks are excluded.

18、In the Guizhou exhibition area, Nuo masks of Wang Lingguan, Evil Dragon, God of Earth, etc. vividly interpretes folk roles Nuo masks in a very lively vivid forms.

19、One of its most successful masks was Japan's former prime minister Junichiro Koizumi. The company sold 3, 500 masks of the - lion-maned leader.

20、If you mouseover a layer mask, the other layer masks disappears.

21、There it clothes itself in word-masks, in metaphor-rags. In this guise it becomes horrible.

22、In addition to gloves, companies may need face masks, sleeves, and other protective coverings.

23、Many of the dancers at the fancy dress ball wore colorful masks.

24、Explorers even need to wear special masks to protect themselves from the gases in these caves.

25、By raising the hand, swinging a sleeve or tossing the head, an actor USES different masks to show different emotions, expressing invisible and intangible feelings through visible and tangible masks.

26、The researchers then gave a mix of neutral and dangerous masks to volunteer observers who, unaware of the masks' histories, wore them at the trapping sites and recorded the crows' responses.

27、Many patients experience dramatic improvements when their doctors prescribe nighttime breathing masks, which gently force air past obstructions.

28、If you want to protect yourself against the minuscule particles you'll need professional masks. Very pricy and inconvenient to wear.

29、She also said it was important they were correctly fitted - some of the more expensive respirator masks are molded to fit the face unlike standard masks that can be bought on the high street.

30、Most surgical masks are not approved as respirators and are not designed to prevent the wearer from inhaling airborne hazards.