1、The dockers are out again

2、Travelling dockers (longshoremen) not members of the crew;

3、The dockers are loading the ship with coal.

4、The London dockers too followed the lead of the seamen.

5、The dockers discharged the cargo from the ship.

6、A beggar told the chief mate that the dockers had gone home.

7、The River and wharf were quiet, there were no barges, no dockers.

8、The dockers loaded the ship overtime so as to send it off early the next morning.

9、The dockers worked so hard to get the cargo discharged before dark that they fairly made the sparks fly.

10、 These children come from all walks of life and come from a variety of backgrounds, including dockers, suburban peasants, professional thieves, and teachers, doctors, small well-known artists.

11、In the film we see a long line of dockers with heavy cargo on their backs bent almost to their stomachs.

12、Solidarity action was taken, however, by railworkers and by dockers, who were both threatened with dismissal if they refused to handle coal.

13、And Mr Mugabe's Chinese friends, foiled by southern African dockers who recently stopped a shipload of arms from reaching him, may be keeping their distance too.

14、A group of dockers came shouting, unable to sit down at the stall, and the silent standoff was broken by the owner who had been concentrating on mixing paste and throwing pockets of eggs.

15、In the past, as soon as Japanese ships entered the harbour, many small boats came to unload the cargo and were then transported to the cargo yard by dockers.

16、Ever once the brief strike in sympathy with the haulage men, she felt more a living part of the docks, and felt, too, that the dockers accepted her more thoroughtly.