1、John's soldiers were readying themselves for the final assault.

2、Asus, Samsung and Toshiba are readying Windows tablets for release by the end of 2010.

3、With nine days before Opening Ceremonies, Gao still is readying for the Games.

4、Within a few minutes, workers are readying the fish for the freezer.

5、Western companies were readying themselves for the challenge from Eastern markets.

6、Investment Banks, readying themselves for the expected downturn, have been strengthening their distressed-securities groups.

7、Soon men were running everywhere as well: readying their guns, talking children inside and closing Windows and shutting doors.

8、Chrysler is now cutting production by almost a quarter and readying new, more fuel-efficient vehicles for market.

9、But instead of readying us for the challenge, our President is trapped in his father's time machine.

10、Some observers say the FDA is readying what will be the most extensive food-labeling reform since 1990.

11、If North Korea is seen to be readying an attack on its island neighbour, must Japan stand by and wait for the attack before responding?

12、Back then, Aeschliman would plow the fields before each planting, burying the residues from the previous crop and readying the ground for the next one.

13、So I was readying myself physically and emotionally, discussing options with doctors, researching alternative medicine, and mapping my hormones for estrogen or progesterone replacement.

14、Now, Gigabit Ethernet is being used in some metropolitan-area networks (MAN), and standards bodies are readying 10-Gigabit Ethernet for metropolitan and even WANs.

15、By early March, Antarctica is readying itself for winter, and this gloomy but atmospheric point on the map seemed entirely fitting for the end of the season and the end of our voyage south.

16、A veteran of the South American Games, the Pan American Games and the FIFA Women's world Cup in 2003, Ferro is readying herself for another crack at the world crown.

17、Even before we'd hit the ground he'd blurted something in Chinese and then repeated it as I held him in a tight bear hug readying for a struggle that never came.

18、Tour charter: Our tour special cars have readying to set out for your travel, could arrive at each landscape from the city proper to all around of Wuhan (the renting fees would be changed as the tour seasons, details could consulting the renting hot-line).