1、Minimum of three filler wraps.

2、One that wraps, as a store employee who wraps parcels.

3、This function wraps a transaction.

4、Shawls,capes,and furs are wraps.

5、Okay. This wraps up the interview.

6、An arm wraps around your chest.

7、Nadal wraps two overgrips around the handle.

8、She wraps the book up in coloured paper .

9、Don' t forget your wraps, when you travel in winter.

10、The Spiderwoman wraps her victims in her sticky web

11、Mist wraps the river, lending majesty to the scene.

12、That just about wraps it up for today.

13、This data object merely wraps a pair of latitude and longitude values.

14、Manually reeve 6 wraps of the 1 inch Manila rope onto the drawworks drum.

15、The content of the final episode of "the Oprah Winfrey Show" is still under wraps.

16、The text wraps around if it is too long to fit the screen.

17、Gnome-python is the package that wraps gnome and its associated libraries for python.

18、C-Note picks up the yard phone, wraps a cloth around the receiver and dials a number.

19、For example, you can set the view up so that one column wraps first, and then as the view Narrows, a second column hides, and when it Narrows further, a third column wraps, and so on.

20、Purl to the first double wrapped stitch - here's a photo of the two wraps, from the right side.

21、And the DNA is wrapped around the histones like a few wraps of thread around a spool.

22、Fast-food companies are also adding midday and late-night snacks, such as blended drinks and wraps.

23、The glass wraps continuously around the podium, interrupted only at the northwest and southeast by stone corners.

24、They entered the lobby already swarming with patrons, and then, after divesting themselves of their wraps, went into a sumptuous dining-room.

25、Thee photos show a glowing 26-year-old Ms Tucci cradling her five babies, their tiny bodies swaddled in soft pastel wraps.

26、The following is a sample SPL function that utilizes the matrix inverse function ml: : inv that wraps the ml_inv function from MATLAB.

27、The center line AXIS... a three inch strip that wraps around the bodys center line and contains a NUMBER of damaging target areas.

28、As such, the house takes on an L-shaped plan that wraps around private courtyards at the front and back to allow light to permeate both floors.

29、At the other end of each fallopian tube is a fringed area that looks like a funnel. This fringed area wraps around the ovary but doesn't completely attach to it.

30、At the end of the video, the camera spirals around the building overhead as the broad logo appears on the screen: a lowercase b that wraps around itself in an imitation of the @ symbol.