1、Throughput timings of connections.

2、Our measurements of latency are all two-hop timings.

3、Do you want to review timings in slide sorter view?

4、The test results shown in Input timings and Output timings are the best times over several passes.

5、Note that the differences between tone values and timings is not compounded.

6、Setup read and processing of keystroke dynamics and current release timings.

7、GDM has now been modified to support intra-key timings for release-events only.

8、Once again it's about experimenting with different timings and seeing what effects it has.

9、When Venus begins to cross the Sun's disc, it looks smeared not circular—which makes it difficult to establish timings.

10、The narrations have been saved with each slide. Do you want to save the slide timings also?

11、The key element of achieving an integrated operation is to control the ramp feeding traffic through special signal timings at the diamond interchange.

12、You can increase the maximum knock deviation to allow you to be more liberal in your rhythmic timings, but be warned, this can cause erroneously matched patterns.

13、While there are no data on how often C-section timings are decided by astrology, the number of caesarean deliveries has surged in India.

14、IDLE's debugger provides breakpoints, stepping and variable watches; but nothing so fancy as poking at memory locations and variable contents, or performing timings and other analyses.

15、Method execution timings provide insight on what percentage of the overall response time is spent on specific tasks, and helps identify application bottlenecks.

16、All of the other parameters can be configured to detect more widely spaced tonal events — multiple simultaneous tonal events across a time threshold, or different timings between the tonal events.