1、Canada is still a big UN paymaster.

2、The good paymaster is lord of another mans purse.

3、He was followed by an adjutant and the paymaster of the regiment.

4、He was forced hy his paymaster in the secret to keep quiet about these murders.

5、What time must it be when the escaped hungry Wolf ate the paymaster?

6、The paymaster of these petty crooks is the big crime syndicate .

7、His tone is that America is numero uno, the UN's chief paymaster, and so must be obeyed.

8、Lewis's military career advanced rapidly from ensign (1795) to lieutenant (1799) to captain (1800), and he served as an army recruiter and paymaster.

9、It is often hard to disentangle the government's commercial interests from its roles as industry regulator, paymaster for courts, tax collector and economic policymaker.