1、This can be avoided.

2、I avoided contacts.

3、He avoided any decisive position.

4、Loose terminology must be avoided.

5、She avoided belinda 's eyes.

6、She scrupulously avoided the topic.

7、How can secondhand smoke be avoided?

8、Both these extremes are to be avoided.

9、Undue skin contact should be avoided.

10、Misuse and waste must be avoided.

11、The following are especially to be avoided.

12、For years uncle Tom had avoided emotional entanglements.

13、It was recently overtaken by Ford, which had avoided bankruptcy.

14、The pain. twirling must be in a straight way, and twisting or curving must be avoided. avoided.

15、Also, steroid use and illegal drug use should be avoided.

16、That was called transference and was to be avoided.

17、And even if expropriation is avoided, there are difficulties.

18、To be avoided: When a contract is made under duress, the contract can be avoided by the victimised party.

19、Had these errors been avoided, would the fate of the Qing Dynasty, which ruled it for two hundred and sixty years, have been avoided in terms of race?

20、Car traffic makes serious accidents possible, and this must be avoided in orienteering events.

21、Side hole catheters should be avoided for umbilical arterial catheterisation in the newborn.

22、This problem can be avoided by creating separate folders for each asset type.

23、The activity of Newcastle disease virus will be raised sharply if the organic solvents are avoided.

24、On the other hand, questions about family tend to be deflected or avoided.

25、Gordon Brown's initiative to rescue the Banks last October avoided the doomsday scenario and was widely copied.

26、But social class divide, and highlight a vulnerable group is a reality can not be avoided at the same time.

27、The problems are avoided slickly by a new style dual-purpose jar for pickled vegetables-making and drying.

28、Flies that avoided the fruit which had been bitter were deemed to have learned from their experience.

29、Forever after Buck avoided his blind side, and to the last of their comradeship had no more trouble.a.

30、RISC avoided this problem by keeping every instruction at the same length, making it easier for instructions to be pipelined in parallel.