1、tinned sardines, peas, peaches

2、"May I get the sardines?

3、Yes, I have eaten sardines./ No, I haven't eaten sardines.

4、Have you ever eaten sardines?

5、These sardines have a tinny flavor.

6、Most of this is canned, like sardines.

7、They opened a can of sardines.

8、I'll be back when I have the sardines.

9、We were jammed together like sardines in a can.

10、"I go now for the sardines, "the boy said.

11、"So I can get the cast net and go after the sardines.

12、All of us were packed like sardines in the train to Beijing.

13、oil obtained from sardines and used chiefly as a lubricant and in soap.

14、Fish rich in omega-3s include salmon, trout, sardines and herring.

15、The commuters were packed into metro like sardines in a can.

16、People will go miles out of their way to eat fresh seafood, such as tuna, swordfish and sardines.

17、When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.

18、We were packed like sardines in a train that became struck in a tunnel for nearly half an hour.

19、To frighten off potential predators, enormous shoal of sardines grouped together into the shape of an 80-feet dolphin below the surface in Cebu in the Philippines.

20、Even packing them like sardines into wards planned for half the number of beds, many cases requiring hospital treatment could not be admitted.

21、"It's only just round the corner, " said the Faun, "and there'll be a roaring fire - and toast - and sardines - and cake. "

22、Are they crowded? Say, after you have ridden on a subway during rush hour, you'll envy sardines for their big, spacious cans.

23、Foods to Look For: fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines; pecans, walnuts, almonds, etc; seeds, including sesame, sunflower, pumpkin; olives, avocados; plant oils including olive oil, peanut, canola2, corn, soybean, and products made using these oils.

24、Each bait hung head down with the shank of the hook inside the bait fish, tied and sewed solid and all the projecting part of the hook, the curve and the point, was covered with fresh sardines.

25、The growing abundance of these jelly-feeding gobies now serves to provide sustenance to the predators that formerly feasted on the sardines, such as seabirds, larger fishes and, ultimately, humans.

26、Moreover, sardines in a can are all laid out perfectly straight, while these passengers were coiled and twisted and bent at the waist and knee into designated geometric angles.

27、If developers set inadequate resizing limits, the translated text in a Web service will appear either truncated or as packed sardines, and the downloading of images will not perform well.