1、International prestige is a justification for violence.

2、There is some justification for the increases.

3、What' your justification for being late ?

4、An intellectually untenable justification for police brutality.

5、Surely that would be a foolish justification for subsidizing smoking.

6、This is not a justification for his actions.

7、This is the ultimate justification for honest money.

8、His justification for the merger was just hot air.

9、Martin has ample justification for what he did.

10、Each group needed a justification for saying how interesting the task was, but they each had a justification.

11、I can see no possible justification for any further tax increases.

12、The believer knows what they believe to be true, and they have justification for believing this.

13、The mathematical justification for this construction can be found in Slotnick.

14、A justification for the feasibility of institution of higher education accreditation;

15、This immoral social message contradicts the only justification for 'get-tough' rhetoric.

16、The justification for commissioning any type of airborne survey is that for a given degree of effectiveness.

17、For years, key OPEC states looked to U. S. oil consumption as justification for adding new pumping capacity.

18、This provided too much justification for what they were doing and so, paradoxically, afterwards they drew less.

19、We will explain our justification for choosing a particular code, schema, or query, and the alternatives if possible.

20、Each perspective provides a set of on-ramps outlining the approach and justification for adopting the technology.

21、The focus throughout PRINCE2 is on the Business Case, which describes the rationale and business justification for the project.

22、I definitely think all pesticides need endocrine disruption screening or a strong justification for not doing so.

23、For decades I read this catalogue of crimes and thumbed its pages each day for fresh evidence of guilt, shame and justification for self-punishment.

24、On this view and in this tone, the only way you can go wrong is to grope around for some theoretical justification for what you're doing.

25、At the very least, on the strength of the allegations of "nuclear armed" and "support for terrorism," the West already has sufficient justification for opening hostilities against Iran.

26、Also, because it has a reputation for weirdness, quantum mechanics is used too much as a justification for things that have nothing to do with quantum mechanics.

27、For one, the other could nation could use that ruling as a justification for continuing a bad trade practice, making it more difficult to resolve a dispute diplomatically.

28、The immediacy of the threat from those weapons was the president's biggest justification for invading Iraq, but none of those weapons have been found.

29、The relationship between law and practical reason reveals that law is a representation of practical reason, law is the justification for ACTS, and law is practical information.

30、The men of the woods had a sufficient justification for all their criticism on this branch of the skill of the colonial governments.