1、The bomber is the nation's largest payload, longest range stealth bomber.

2、The B-2 bomber, commonly known as the stealth bomber, was an ambitious project, to say the least.

3、Photos and videos of the new stealth bomber were published on the Internet.

4、(NGC) boasts on its Web site the B-2 spirit stealth bomber is nearly invisible.

5、Taranis is about the size of a small jet trainer, but with the look of a stealth bomber to make it hard to detect on radar.

6、It has odd angles (reminiscent of a stealth bomber) to reduce its radar cross-section, and was coated in radar-absorbing material.

7、Northrop Grumman Corp. (NGC) boasts on its Web site the B-2 spirit stealth bomber is nearly invisible. Because the plane's composite materials and bat-shaped design make it hard for radar to pick up.

8、One AD featured stealth bombers dropping phones on a farm, in the woods, and by the side of a road.

9、More than 4, 000 military aircraft are parked on the base, from B-52s to stealth bombers, where they are salvaged for parts and broken down for scrap.

10、Iraq braced for war, lining the streets of Baghdad with fighting positions and foxholes, while the Pentagon moved B-2 stealth bombers from Whiteman Air Force base in Missouri to bases close to Iraq.