1、You will recall from the previous installment that I implemented automatic derivation through XMI and XSLT.

2、This picture of course you recall from the space shuttle Challenger when it failed.

3、As I recall from our first encounter, you're a man of principles and ideals, even.

4、You may recall from your grade-school history lessons that, in colonial America, this crime was punishable by death.

5、Wright County Egg Co. of Galt, Iowa, on Wednesday expanded the recall from 228 million eggs recalled last week.

6、Hence, such beauty is so momentary and irreversible that people so often recall from the depth of their bones.

7、As you'll recall from my previous article, allocation groups let XFS perform multiple metadata operations in parallel.

8、If you recall from the previous article on this topic, the E-mail address is assumed to be an unambiguous property — used to merge descriptions from diverse sources.

9、As you’ll recall from Chapter 23, butcons are an excellent technique whereby small icons are used to provide memorization vectors for transitioning from menus to toolbar.

10、Another recall from Mattel of Chinese-made toys, the toy giant's third in a little more than a month, because of excessive amounts of lead paint.

11、You might recall from Listing 1 that they are the child elements inside the elements in the received RSS feed content.

12、As you’ll recall from Chapter 7, the first question to answer as you begin to design an interactive product is, “What platform and posture are appropriate?”

13、As you might recall from the previous articles in this series, outbound processing is when a module makes requests to send or retrieve information to or from an EIS using an import.

14、From the dances and prayers of the past, we get to the weather-modification technology of the 24th century (at least, that's what I recall from an episode of Star Trek: the Next Generation).

15、You may recall from Part 2 in this series that the directional derivative of the objective function gives the direction in which the objective function grows in a maximization problem.

16、As you may recall from part 1, this multiple-part article covers Phase 1 of the project: a proof of concept resulting in a set of requirements, a reference architecture, and (ideally reusable) code.

17、As you may recall from the xev testing performed above, an individual key press or key-release event causes four or five lines to be printed by the xev program.

18、Mobile phones and other small-screened devices (such as blood glucose meters) are typically even a generation behind drop-down menus and provide interaction idioms much in the vein of the sequential hierarchical menu (which you’ll recall from earlier in the chapter).

19、He may not recall from use to use exactly which command is needed to act on a particular object, but he will definitely remember the relationships between objects and actions—the important concepts—if the interface’s conceptual structure is consistent with his mental model.