1、Mr Willingham was quickly convicted and sentenced to death.

2、THE sad case of Cameron Todd Willingham began two days before Christmas in 1991.

3、Willingham said he tried to rescue the kids but was driven back by smoke and flames.

4、The authorities were unmoved. Willingham was executed by lethal injection on Feb. 17, 2004.

5、Willingham insisted on his innocence, refusing to plead guilty even to avoid execution.

6、The jury took barely an hour to return a guilty verdict, and Willingham was sentenced to death.

7、His conviction rested on arson investigators 'findings and the testimony of Johnny Webb, a jailhouse informant who claimed that Willingham had confessed to him.

8、The beauty of video gaming is that children understand that “failure is a normal part of the learning process,” said Dan Willingham, a psychology professor at the University of Virginia.