1、right inferior lobar bronchus

2、superior lobar branches

3、right superior lobar bronchus

4、Applied anatomy of right inferior lobar bronchus in CT scan

5、Experience in the treatment of 42 cases of child lobar pneumonia arising from mycoplasma pnenmoniae infection

6、Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of X ray and CT findings of lobar bronchoalveolar carcinoma.

7、One case underwent left lobar thyroid and circumferential sleeve resection, with left neck modified radical dissection;

8、Objective:To provide the applied anatomic basis for CT demonstration in left lower lobar bronchus.

9、Significant lobar or multiple segmental reduction of pulmonary perfusion on SPECT was also presented.

10、Bacterial, community-acquired pneumonia classically show lung consolidation of one lung segmental lobe, which is known as lobar pneumonia.

11、In 8 cases of parenchymal diseases, the lesion had a lobar or segmental distribution with a relatively well defined margin.

12、On the section through right superior lobar bronchus, the posterior segmental vein descended between posterior and anterior segmental bronchi.

13、Results Unilateral bronchus or lobar bronchus was obstructed by thick sputum in 23 patients, where the atelectasis was obstructive.

14、A case of lobar pneumonia complicated by chronic nephritis with acute at - tack is reported cured by traditional Chinese medicine. A satisfactory result Las been achieved.

15、Results With the severity of hepatic fibrosis, the volume index of left lobe of liver and changes in hepatic contour, widening of inter lobar fissure increased significantly.

16、The pulmonary manifestations of cryptococcosis are diverse but most commonly include single or multiple pulmonary nodules and segmental or lobar consolidation.

17、Contrary to common belief, we have found one case of pneumococcus lobar pneumonia situated in the right upper lobe with the initial presentation of fever, intermittent abdominal pain, just very mild cough, and no rales or rhonchi on physical examination.