1、Singing water is not boiling; boiling water is no singing

2、controlled recirculation boiling water reactor

3、I stir the boiling water.

4、direct-cycle boiling water reactor

5、boiling water and water vapour etching test

6、The boiling water cracked the glass.

7、clean(pans,etc)with boiling water

8、Many of us would say boiling water.

9、Don't be scalded by boiling water.

10、Add the fish balls into boiling water.

11、Second water boiling water takes the fraction chicken.

12、Then I take the caustic soda and boiling water.

13、Can SIGG bottles be used for boiling water?

14、A thermometer is now held in the boiling water.

15、egg cooked briefly in the shell in gently boiling water.

16、coffee made by percolating boiling water through ground coffee beans

17、Tea is boiling in boiling water, and the buds are reflected in colorless water, showing a light elegance.

18、Boiling boiling water was churning in the cauldron, and the yard was thick with smoke and steaming.

19、The more time honing, the more boiling water boiling, the more it can emit its unique mellow smell.

20、Cook noodles in boiling water until done, remove and rinse with cold cooked water until cold.

21、And I wanna focus in on the boiling water reactor and the pressurised water reactor.

22、Now let me go over boiling water reactors and then we'll do pressurised water reactors.

23、The pot boiling water in egg lie after boiling again cook water fire and brown sugar next red jujube 20 minutes to cook.

24、Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins--Determination of resistance to immersion boiling water

25、Pour in boiling water and cover up for 20-30 minutes.

26、Life is like white water, plain and tasteless but really, boiling water needs fire, boiling water boiling bubbles, a few people know the process bitterness, why people have pity in the water pain, foreign people only see water to quench thirst, when the white water overboiled water, the process is painful, do not want to abandon

27、MIX dry gelatins and gelatine in large bowl; stir in boiling water until completely dissolved.

28、Don't pour boiling water into the glass or it will crack.

29、Encysted metacercaria are susceptive to heat and can be killed in boiling water immediately.

30、A second more severe water test is to place the catalyst in boiling water and observe for any disintegration.