1、The pot is boiling over.

2、Watch out! The milk is boiling over.

3、He was boiling over with indignation.

4、Turn off the gas, the milk is boiling over.

5、Turn the gas out; the water is boiling over.

6、He was boiling over with rage at his humiliation.

7、The crisis is in danger of boiling over into civil war.

8、I'll use a large pot to prevent the soup from boiling over.

9、"No?" said Quilp, heating some rum in a little saucepan, and watching it to prevent it from boiling over.

10、Stress accumulates quietly, boiling over at the worst moment when you didn't even realize it was there.

11、The elderly man who uttered those angry words on the afternoon of August 10th was clearly boiling over.

12、At the news, General Han Shizhong, boiling over with indignation and disgust, asked accusingly for an answer from Qin Hui, "What crime did Yue Fei commit that made him deserve this?"

13、In an instant, the gongs and drums roared around the sky, and the four gates of the city were ablaze with fire. The shouts were like rivers boiling over the sea, Zang Ba was killed in the East and Hou Cheng in the west.