1、The English country gentleman galloping after a fox - the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable.

2、He was a bluff and simple country gentleman who had inadvertently fallen among politicians

3、He changed the busy life style of rock stars and began to live the life of a country gentleman.

4、So I suspect his original name was. Pingfu (Peace and Happiness), for that would appeal to a country gentleman more than the fu meaning "return."

5、Ren Hao was only the eldest son of a country gentleman when he never made his fortune before. He was not fit for Lushi's shoes in terms of his position.

6、After the World War, a small city of south China, country gentleman Da with home, wife Yuwen, younger sister Xiu, and servants, face the post— war and dilapidated situation, Yuwen feel the life is lonely and[ b][ color= Red] insipid[/ color][/ b], so live separately with her husband.

7、After the World War, a small city of south China, country gentleman Da with home, wife Yuwen, younger sister Xiu, and servants, face the post— war and dilapidated situation, Yuwen feel the life is lonely and insipid, so live separately with her husband.