1、Sir John Williams, Bart

2、So every day, Dad walked Bart.

3、Bart and Tiffany are shopping downtown.

4、It was actually Bart Cameron's error and you'll have to understand about Bart Cameron.

5、Black Bart did have his quirks as well.

6、"Poor Bart," said Jessie. "If I were bigger..." Jessie stopped.

7、"Miss Bart remains here," his wife rejoined incisively.

8、Thus I have come to be a disciple of Bart and Adam, but I like Bart best.

9、But because Bart is a practical joke on Anne, and Anne hated him, with Bart as enemy, want to go beyond his grades.

10、 Bart is a street fox dog, about a little over a year old.

11、"Poor Bart," said Jessie. "you want to go for a walk, don't you?"

12、Meanwhile, Bart Cas, his opposite number at Pepsi, went for a run on the Brooklyn Bridge.

13、Miss Bart accepted this exhortation in a spirit of the purest impartiality.

14、A 16-year-old Beijing boy, known online as Bart Simon, dislikes QQ users.

15、The epidemic trend and preventive strategy of Hb Bart hydrops fetalis sequence from 1998 to 2003 in Guangdong province.

16、Seven months ago I never would have believed this, but guess what? Bart Conner is on that team.


18、This dark cloud is an example of a "Bok globule," named after the late University of Arizona astronomer Bart Bok.

19、The famous French general and emperor Napoleon I in 1769 was born in Corsica Aeqiu the town, he called the original Napoleonic Europe than with Bart.

20、Miss Bart was discerning enough to know that the inner vanity is generally in proportion to the outer self-depreca-tion.

21、When Bart, their son, ended high school, he said to his father, "I would like to go to college, Dad. I want to be an engineer."

22、Bart Kuipers, a harbour economist at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, thinks that is a little ambitious, but he reckons the crate could win 2-3% of the market.

23、路上,戴蒙德的电话响了,手机屏上闪烁的是巴特·麦克达德(Bart McDade)的名字。

24、Bart didn't stop answering when he heard the words, but he was still walking like a flying horse. Are you here to inquire about things a hundred years ago?

25、芝加哥大学的足病诊疗师Bart Gastwirth博士说:“肥胖会使你脚的所有支撑结构经受更大的压力。”

26、Bart McDade, who became president of Lehman in June 2008 and tried to stop the bank from being so aggressive in its use of Repo 105, described it in April of that year as “another drug we r [sic] on”.


28、Reuters在旧金山联邦储备银行高级经济学家海尔(GalinaHale)和研究顾问霍布金(Bart Hobijn)看来,*制造的商品在美国消费市场中所占份额远没有普遍认为的那么高。