1、Given this perspective, joblessness looms much larger.

2、Higher joblessness may have eroded skills.

3、During her first week of joblessness, Louise lost six pounds.

4、But joblessness has not been evenly distributed throughout the city.

5、Milton Friedman did not trust government to solve problems of joblessness or high prices.

6、As joblessness soars, benefits claimants will be nudged into the Labour market.

7、The West Midlands was the hardest hit region, with joblessness jumping to 10.3%.

8、But more must be done to stop high joblessness becoming entrenched.

9、In many countries long-term unemployment has soared both in absolute terms and as a proportion of total joblessness.

10、The civil unrest in the Mideast and North Africa stemmed in part from joblessness in the region.

11、The Fed is keen to ensure that rising joblessness does not hit consumer confidence in the new year.

12、While Wall Street is handing out billions in bonuses, American families are struggling with joblessness, home foreclosures and rampant debt.

13、China's leadership is terrified by the prospect of social unrest from rising joblessness, particularly among the urban elite.

14、Across the Sun Belt and in hard-hit industrial states such as Ohio and Michigan, tanking home mortgages combined with rising joblessness spell more trouble.

15、Poland has little tradition of internal Labour mobility, so shortages in Warsaw and the country's booming western crescent can coexist with deep joblessness in the east.

16、He finds that rates of joblessness differed primarily according to class: those in middle-class and white-collar occupations were far less likely to be unemployed.

17、Unemployment has topped 2 million on the widest measure of joblessness, while the claimant count has suffered its biggest jump on record.

18、More recently he introduced himself into the debate on welfare reform by insisting that unwed motherhood, not joblessness, was the key problem.

19、Germany, for example, was able to buck the trend of joblessness and youth unemployment thanks to measures that included a government subsidy for those on short-time work (of which more later).

20、Pew Social Trends report found that the long-term unemployed were significantly more likely to say they had lost some of their self-respect than their counterparts with shorter spells of joblessness.

21、Thanks to welfare schemes and unemployment benefits, many of which have their origins in those dark days, joblessness no longer plunges people into destitution, at least in the developed world.

22、A strapping, energetic man, he finds the tedium of joblessness intolerable.Some people he knows have told him that he has it made-good work when he can get is and money even when he can't.But he calls the unemployment checks" idle money.

23、A strapping,energetic man,he finds the tedium of joblessness intolerable.Some people he knows have told him that he has it made—good work when he can get is and money even when he can't.But he calls the unemployment checks"idle money.