1、The committee meets fortnightly.

2、a fortnightly flight to Brazil

3、Meetings take place at fortnightly intervals.

4、Prepare weekly or fortnightly activity report and Month End report.

5、In November, it will start fortnightly publication, and in January it goes weekly.

6、We chose fortnightly iterations with a fifteen minute daily stand-up meeting.

7、Jewish emigre from Austria, Eric Halpern, gravitated to Shanghai, where he founded a fortnightly business magazine.

8、"The egoist" is the title from 1914 until its demise in 1919 of a London fortnightly review.

9、For the gym fortnightly rather than annually will turn up for workouts more often, according to new Australian research.

10、Monseigneur, one of the great lords in power at the court, held his fortnightly reception in his grand hotel in Paris.

11、A cultural information fortnightly for the middle - and high-end cultural consumers who have high demand in the culture and art.

12、The unemployment insurance funds have differing procedures with regard to how often the unemployed person receives benefit - monthly or fortnightly. Payments are made through a bank.

13、My idea of a good magazine is a fortnightly, where we bring a group of good talkers together in a small room once in a fortnight and let them chat together.

14、A team from the University of Wollongong compared people who paid for a year's gym membership in advance to those who signed a contract but paid by fortnightly salary deductions.