1、The hold over himself relaxed too, finally.

2、You can hold over the matter till next week.

3、Please hold over the rest of the goods.

4、hold over goods to be sold for the next season.

5、He had ordered his officers to keep an exceptionally firm hold over their men.

6、What she knew about his past gave her a hold over him.

7、The cruel owner didn't relinquish his hold over the slaves until their liberation.

8、Grado is famous for their remarkable headphone and phono cartridge designs and hold over 48 patents.

9、In addition, ministries control special funds of their own, so the cabinet's hold over the national purse strings is weak.

10、The thoughts arose as from a vacuum, unprovoked, and persisted in their senseless hold over my mind.

11、Mr Obama has not only solidified his hold over his core constituents—blacks, the young, independents and educated white liberals.

12、Modern historians might query whether there is any real evidence for his existence, but none doubt his lasting hold over the popular imagination.

13、There is a time to admire the grace and persuasive power of an influential idea, and there is a time to fear its hold over us.

14、As the heavens open, the canopy offers scant protection from the downpour, so the orang-utans tear leaves off the trees to make pathetic little umbrellas to hold over their heads.

15、That suggests that cultural values still give Republicans a powerful hold over middle-America — and also suggests that the GOP needs an economic debate that matches that cultural pull.

16、Deprived of her hold over Charles' finances and unable to repay her debts, Emma threw herself upon Lion's mercy with all disregard for caution. Her corruption was so complete that she had to seek release and pleasure or go out of her mind.