1、So how do you survive from pay day to pay day?

2、He's probably pawned it till next pay day.

3、Yes, I know, but I actually have worked two weeks by the pay day.

4、Cut back on expenditure to spin out the money till the next pay day

5、When the business is finished, if that day is about the tenth pay day, each person receives a third of the monthly salary according to his salary.

6、The date of payment of relief to state governments, corporations pay day for the employer to another.

7、Today is the pay day of Ozone, we can ask our coaches whether they receive their salary tomorrow.

8、I can't afford to come with you because I'm in a tight squeeze this month until pay day.

9、The pay day for foreign teachers is on the 15th day of each month; in case of holiday, it shall be automatically postponed to the first work day following the holiday.

10、Please note that our pay day for Town Accounts is Wednesday of any Week, between the hours of 11 a. m. and 3 p. m.

11、This woman said she had a pay day every so often, when someone called and bused her to the industrial district to do landscaping.

12、A quarter will spend their wages within a week of being paid and an astonishing 8 per cent get through the lot on pay day.

13、Also, he had money in his pocket, and as in the old days, when a pay day, he made the money fly.

14、He has money in his pocket, and, as in the old days when a pay day, he made the money fly.

15、(because it was the end of the month and there was nowhere to borrow from, all our colleagues in the apartment building were trying to borrow from each other and looking eagerly forward to happy pay day on the fifth of the month).