1、Most database systems support timestamp arithmetics.

2、Defining a version or timestamp property.

3、Attempt to update the timestamp of a table that has no timestamp column.

4、On-virtual timestamp synchronization protocal for wireless sensor net-work

5、Create a reverse function - one that will take a timestamp for a certain locale and return the equivalent UTC timestamp.

6、The timestamp service certificate is not valid for time stamping.

7、The penultimate field contains the timestamp of the last modification.

8、The Last-Modified header validates based on the component's timestamp.

9、Object file-based operating system, version number or timestamp.

10、Timestamp columns cannot be filtered from articles in a publication that allows immediate updating subscriptions. All timestamp columns will be included in the articles of this publication.

11、The file contains longitude and latitude data, recording the phone's coordinates along with a timestamp.

12、Attempt to get text pointer/timestamp from a non-text column

13、When used in conjunction with nonce and timestamp checking, this can effectively thwart replay attacks.

14、The remote host USES an ICMP timestamp reply message to respond to the request.

15、Typically, the nonce can be implemented as a counter (a sequence number) or as a timestamp.

16、That is the value that would be used internally by the class method for the timestamp conversion.

17、In our case document ID, timestamp, and URL referrer is the data that we want to collect.

18、The first three are stored for future use, while the client timestamp is stored to protect against replays.

19、You measure new RTT as current time minus the stored timestamp when the segment with sequence 'b' was sent.

20、Handling temporal information has more aspects than choosing a data type (date, time, or timestamp) and using locale-relevant formatting.

21、For simplicity, the login module chooses default credentials and secret keys based on the time when they were added to the Subject; hence, the timestamp in KerberosCredentials.

22、You'll also be writing to a log file, so it's a good idea to add a timestamp to entries - hence, the need for the time functions.

23、Options: a few options for customizing the particular post being written, including editing its timestamp, and a few tracking features for websites such as Technorati or delicio.us.

24、You might ask why I don't just use the timestamp in the filesystem; the answer is that I don't trust it to survive careless users.

25、Usually media failure is caused by either the complete loss of a data file or an SCN timestamp being out of sync with the rest of the database.

26、The above problem can be circumvented by the use of DISTINCT and one or more timestamp columns to simulate FIFO or LCFO; however DB2 will use an additional step to eliminate the duplicates.


28、On receiving the verifier and the server sent timestamp, the client knows that the server was able to correctly decrypt the conversation key and that it is correctly authenticated.

29、In this case, that expression is a call to the built-in strftime() function, which returns a standard timestamp string of the form: "Fri Oct 23 14:51:01 2009".

30、To gauge the "freshness" of the data, you might decide to add a timestamp field to the object so that you could easily detect whether the object and the backing store were out of sync.