1、Please, forgive me for caprice!

2、Please forgive me, Susan, but...

3、He' ll forgive me someday.

4、And throughout all Eternity.I forgive you, you forgive me.

5、I forgive you ,Will. Will you forgive me?

6、Please forgive me, your honorary god.

7、I beseech you to forgive me.

8、Sorrg of you can't forgive me.

9、Soryy! Please, forgive me for caprice!

10、It is most generous of you to forgive me=You are most generous to forgive me.

11、God forgive me. And let no men meddle with me.

12、He told me God would never forgive me.

13、Can you ever forgive me for my indefensible conduct yesterday?

14、Well, forgive me for screwing up your plans!

15、May your eminence forgive me for this crude answer.

16、It took all my father's charity to forgive me.

17、Please forgive me, Charles. I've lost my senses just now.

18、Oh—your highness—forgive me, forgive me, I merely—I merely came in to change your bedsheets

19、I am sorry, please forgive my willfulness, I really knew was wrong, forgive me, give me a chance to do?

20、"But you are - forgive me - you are what they call a girl?" said the Faun.

21、Please forgive me for saying that;I just needed to let off steam.

22、God is love, if i( ren oui). God will forgive me.

23、Will you overlook it this once and forgive me, and let things go on as before?

24、I withdraw the impoliteness words I said just now if you can forgive me.

25、Just now you showed me that black card and threatened me with it and made me ....Oh, forgive me, Chin-pao!

26、Please forgive me for falling in love with you.Forgive me for loving you with all my heart.Forgive me for never wanting to be apart.

27、forgive me if I do not write more, for those who say they will cure me bleed me to exhaustion, and my hand refuses to write another line.

28、This is just a foolish idea. If it's not right, I hope the two senior officials will forgive me.

29、It's all my fault. It's all caused by the moon. Please forgive me. I really feel sad without you.