1、referred to my indiscretion;

2、To commit a Blazing indiscretion

3、Such indiscretion cannot be pardoned.

4、How can an indiscretion last two months?

5、Occasionally they paid for their indiscretion with their lives.

6、Our modern sentimentality, which displays itself with complacent indiscretion

7、He has the indiscretion to talk about family matter in front of strangers

8、Such precautions, however, could not protect Mr Manning, the army analyst, from his own indiscretion.

9、His indiscretion give his enemy a handle to use against him.

10、A youthful indiscretion, I suppose, which you were anxious to conceal from the world at large?"

11、Now, excuse the indiscretion, marquis, but have you any landed property?"

12、Phoebe: Deftly done, Agent Mulder. Casually disregard her indiscretion. A firm but polite manner until she accedes to cooperate.

13、They were evidently in high state of excitement, and they chattered to one another with much indiscretion.

14、Li Mingyuan, an IQ chicken catcher, did not really understand Liu Xin's meaning and asked him with great indiscretion.

15、That he could bring off this balancing act was a tribute to his tact, his intelligence, and his instinct for the scope-and the limits-of indiscretion.

16、But as a famous person, there's greater risk of being recognized.Don't dare the press to catch you in an indiscretion either.

17、 These filthy creatures are frightening in their indiscretion, and savage and uncivilized human beings dare to open their mouths and name their people.

18、To Joseph, sin was not just "an error of judgment. " Nor was it a mere "slip of the tongue" or an "indiscretion" in a "moment of weakness.

19、The indiscretion rate may be decreased with the power supplied by the AIP, so the power rating should be selected according to the requirement of the cruise speed of conventional submarines.

20、I am anxious to confine this story to the deepest secrecy, and not by any indiscretion of mine to allow a breath of it to escape to the world