1、So you're exactly right.

2、Your answer is exactly right.

3、According to one cell biologist, that's exactly right.

4、Even when you do things exactly right, it's not ideal.

5、That's exactly right. I agree wholeheartedly with you.

6、Sometimes you do everything right, everything exactly right, and still you feel like you've failed.

7、Your last remark really hit the bull's eye, it was exactly right.

8、Get the projection matrix exactly right and use of the default Oculus head model.

9、Lucy was a stickler for perfection, and everything had to be exactly right.

10、Since science came into being, it meant "true knowledge", namely exactly right ultimate knowledge.

11、Finally, what would programming be without being able to be a perfectionist and get it exactly right for your purposes?

12、Stories are told of scrupulous writers, like Flaubert, who spent days trying to get one or two sentences exactly right.

13、That's because on the date that I got this term structure everybody knew the Fed was cutting rates and they got it exactly right.

14、But it is possible for investors to take advantage of bear markets, even if they do not get their timing exactly right.

15、Satire is today more often seen in a performance or in writing, it isn’t exactly right to say for instance “a satirical remark.”

16、In particular the half-court offense in that textbook-like fluid with the exactly right and weaved Paowei than any star player Emmanuel Zhaxian are more ornamental.

17、"Jiveli" is the Serbian for "Cheers", but despite Sasha's long-suffering efforts to help me pronounce it exactly right, by the third beer I was going backwards.

18、East Texas is right and now he's punching cows," and that was exactly right, and still I couldn't believe Gene could really have known Slim whom I have been looking for more or less for years.

19、But normal people—not power users—aren’t always capable or comfortable explaining what they want to an interactive product. They would much rather see what the application thinks is right and then manipulate that to make it exactly right.

20、Adding in a factor of how recently files were accessed, as well, would get closer but still wouldn’t be exactly right. (Microsoft does this with its font picker in some applications, and it works pretty well for this purpose.)

21、It should enable, say, a car company not only to reach millions of people in a single evening but also to deliver an advertisement that is exactly right for each of them.

22、He gets the matter exactly right it seems to me, nothing more needs to be said and as so often on philosophy the mistake is to try to say more.

23、"It took over a week to do her face - that was the hardest because everybody knows what it looks like so we had to make sure it was exactly right."

24、As I began to love myself当我开始爱自己I understood that at any circumstance,我才明白我其实一直都在恰好的时机I am in the right place at the right time,恰好的地方、恰好的时间and everything happens at the exactly right moment,我才明白发生的一切都恰到好处so I could be calm.从此我得以平静