1、His tie straightened.

2、Cara straightened his tie.

3、He straightened the bent strip.

4、The host straightened his back.

5、Emmy straightened, hefting her burden.

6、I'd finally straightened the matter.

7、The three men straightened and stood waiting.

8、The trooper straightened up, boots creaking.

9、The road curved and then straightened.

10、He straightened himself out on the couch.

11、The mix-up was soon straightened out.

12、The distribution of income needs to be straightened out.

13、Taylor rose and straightened his yellow and blue striped sweater.

14、Fache straightened his cruciform tie clip and began to walk.

15、The ship straightened and began to surge forward once more.

16、As he straightened his twisted blankets in the dark, he swore a little.

17、Think you to if saying, wanted to be clear about first, straightened, convey again come out!

18、Each time he straightened his pudgy knees it was apparent that they were trembling.

19、Mike straightened his tie, smoothed down his unruly hair, and went to welcome the first guest.

20、After repeated exhortation by his comrades, he finally straightened out his thinking.

21、Gus straightened and stared at Bigger, then at Doc who was looking out of the front window.

22、With a sigh, he straightened up and grabbed his palm. As a matter of fact, his fingertips were red.

23、When M. Mabeuf straightened himself up, there was no longer any one there; the girl had disappeared.

24、He slipped a blue silk tunic over his head and straightened the gs of his beard with his fingers.

25、He straightened up and looked round to find Wu Chih-sheng standing just behind him and smiling at him.

26、The situation of security in China has been straightened up in recent years, however, there are still several fateful accidents and the condition of safety is grievous.

27、From time to time, she straightened up and looked at the villa, as if listening to the piano, and then bent down to pick up branches.

28、"In certain areas, it's almost become a rite of passage to have your nose fixed and straightened when you're a teenager," he says.

29、The dog's neck could not be straightened because he stayed underground for too long, so he could only turn his head on the ground.