1、Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church

2、Evangelical Lutheran Church (Rhenish Mission Church)

3、United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany

4、Swedenborg was the son of a devout bishop of the Lutheran Church in Sweden.

5、I love it when churches have names like "King of Glory Lutheran Church" or "Alpha and Omega Missionary Baptist Church.

6、So I went to the Lutheran Church and phoned each of the five pastors listed in a leaflet to invite them for a coffee.

7、In order to marry the crown prince, she has had to give up her Australian and British citizenship and convert to the Lutheran Church.

8、The Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church in San Jose, California, shares its building with four other congregations, including Korean and Vietnamese Baptists.

9、Many cultural relics including unique Zhanqiao Pier, Xiaoqingdao Island, Xiaoyu Hill, the Catholic Church, the Lutheran Church, the Prefect Mansion, lying amongst natural scenery record Qingdao's century old history and the abundance of a combination of eastern and western cultures.

10、Lutheran Church Historian Martin Marty argues that all too many pews are filled on Sunday with practical atheists-disguised nonbelievers who behave during the rest of the week as if God did not exist.

11、Council for the Lutheran Churches in Central America and Panama