1、It is drama featuring fictional characters.

2、To begin with, how do we create fictional characters?

3、As with these fictional characters, so with our lives.

4、Folded creations look like different animals and fictional characters.

5、He has created many lively fictional characters with his wonderful writing.

6、How will Burke and woo stone to respond to these fictional characters' reactions to their ideas?

7、We’re all aware of the power of fictional characters in books, movies, and television programs to engage viewers.

8、His body is gone but the family hopes that he is still with those he loves, whether they are religious or historical figures, personal friends or fictional characters.

9、Long stocking pipi though grandma is a fairy tale lindgren fictional characters, but I think she is like a person live in my side.

10、As you create fictional characters, you'll almost always combine characteristics from several different people on your list to form the identity and personality of just one character.

11、Miss Marple belongs to the fluffy-old-lady line of English fictional characters--she knits, she dithers, she twitters, she defers extravagantly to men. But the lady has a mind.