1、cut tack {xi wan} gauze


3、Sugar wing is not for now, but my mother for the rice cakes, and glue the teeth, xixixi!

4、The wind rustling xixiao cold, owe money xi you want to also!


6、Research on Supplier Management of Shan xi Xianfeng Co.Evaluation;

7、Regret and Seek-The Art Experience of Chang Guang - xi;

8、How many people in order not to let others see the heart, pretend crazy, xixi ha ha.

9、Xi 'an Dexin Printing Machinery co., Ltd. is situated in the suburbs of ancient city-Xi 'an and the national well-known farmer painting countryside-Huxian County.

10、Study of Water-Inrush Mechanism and Prediction of Coalbed Floor in Pan-xi Coalmine;

11、Engineering plan selection of Ning-Xi railway which passes the agricultural zone of Neixiang county


13、Measurements & Simulation on Thermal Performance and Energy Consumption Indices in Existing Residential Buildings in Xi an;

14、On the Original Worship of Dragon from The Research of Fu-xi to 1980s;

15、The thesis, with the social background of Kang xi stime and directed by Marxist conception of history, makes a whole research on Kang xi s views towards Western science by means of history and logic.

16、Liu Chen-weng s Acceptance to Liu Yu-xi s Personality Spirit that Reflected from "a Person Who Returns to a Place He Once Abandoned" the Literary Reference in "Xu Xi" Lyrics;

17、Liu Xijie, male, born in 1964 in xi 'an of Shaanxi Province, Vice Dean, Associate Professor and Master Supervisor of Faculty of Chinese Painting in xi 'an Academy of Fine Arts.

18、Extensive Decision-making Study about Comprehensive Administration on Slope and Cultivated Land in the North District of Shan-xi Province;

19、Having learned dong, nan, xi and men, suddenly I can build six or seven words: dongmen, ximen, nanmen, xinanmen.

20、Preliminary Opinion on The Construction Technique of Waterproof Layer of Bridge Floor in Zheng-xi Passenger Dedicated Railway Line

21、The method has been implemented in System of Shan 'xi Electric Power Site, and has been obtained anticipative result.

22、A Survey of the Lexical and Grammatical Features of the Yue Dialect in the Xi Jiang River Valley;