1、Cobb-Douglas production function

2、The leaders of Cobb were stunned.

3、expansion path of Cobb-Douglas production function

4、Franchising Fee Decision in Cobb-Douglas Product Function;

5、Ty Cobb, a rival baseball star, was even ruder.

6、Interventional embolization therapy of Cobb syndrome:a case report

7、Cobb-Douglas Production Function and the Value Theory of Labor;

8、 Cobb, asleep, sat in a chair at the end of the steaming bathtub.

9、A Weighted Method of Parameter Estimation for the Cobb-Donglas Production Funetion;

10、A Further Study of Cost Function under Cobb-Douglas Production Function;


12、Study on the Properties of a Kind of Changed Cobb-douglas Production Function;

13、If Cobb successfully implants an idea into the target (that is, if the whole point of the film works), Saito will pull some strings that will reunite Cobb with his children.

14、The Study of Correlation of the Dural Sac at the Apex Vertebra and of the Cobb Angle in Thoracic Scoliosis;

15、On the Contribution of Agricultural Information to the Growth of the Agricultural Economy Using Cobb-Douglas Production Function

16、He felt as ashamed as if he had, without warning her, stepped off the Cobb and set sail for China.




20、Cobb hooked up with a major heroin-dealing operation in Newark called the Country Boys and did well becoming a street-corner drug prince.

21、It's almost as if we're being manipulated by Dom Cobb himself, as he effortlessly travels deep into our brain to plant an idea.

22、 Cobb turned the door lock, pulled it open, grabbed an envelope from it and stuffed it into his belt, which contained an identical envelope.



25、While she learns the ropes, Ariadne takes over as the audience’s guide, a role she also plays for Cobb, who can’t go home to America because of a secret involving his wife, Mal (Marion Cotillard).

26、"The volunteer spirit is as high now as it was on the first day," noted Cobb. "they are smiling every day and I think enjoying what they are doing."

27、Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a dream snatcher. He's an industrial spy, who steals secrets when his victims are at their most defenceless: when they are asleep, and dreaming.

28、1987年国家地理里程碑式的文章——沙特阿拉伯妇女——摄影记者乔迪.科布(Jodi Cobb)巧妙利用摄影技巧,同一张照片呈现了女孩的现在和未来。

29、麻烦重重的多姆·科布(Dom Cobb,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)饰演)为企业客户提供特殊的服务:从其竞争对手的潜意识中盗取机密信息。