1、be sister to the homeless child

2、a homeless child especially one forsaken or orphaned.

3、Uncle Wang offered to adopt the homeless child.

4、It occurred to her that she might adopt a homeless child.

5、 You stand in the busy night of the Bund, lonely and helpless, like a homeless child.

6、Doing something to make homeless children happy is important to Hicks. She says she knows exactly how they feel at Christmastime, because she was homeless as a child herself.

7、 Ten oceans are enough for a month for the average family of four in Shanghai, and enough to buy a homeless child.

8、And every developed or semi-developed country in the world has trouble with orphans and homeless children,with some form of juvenile delinquency, with child abuse, with child labor issues.

9、What's more, drunk driving not only does harm to the drivers but cause the accident such as a appearance of a homeless child or the death of a family.

10、What of the homeless children?

11、Can you place these 2 homeless children ?

12、Her heart ached for the homeless children.

13、She is a sister to homeless children.

14、Some homeless children were begging for money in the streets.

15、It gives money to projects which help homeless children.

16、She opened three homes for 170 homeless children.

17、Out of sympathy for the homeless children he gave them a bed for the night.

18、In your opinion, is it feasible that the homeless children study and live with normal children?

19、We are all moved by the plight of these poor homeless children.

20、Fredette then gave them as gifts to the homeless children in California during the holiday season.

21、She plans to start a foundation for homeless children and wants to build a community centre in Waterhouse.

22、And then when I realized that there were 1.6 million homeless children in America, it just floored me.